Drivers are a special user group and you can assign any registered user to the Driver group by going to Dashboard > Users > Edit/New user > User is Driver > Yes.
As soon as you make a user Driver you will see some Driver settings show up:
Assigned car - here you can select and assign a Car to the driver. Note: Only available cars without drivers will be visible in the drop down.
Driver Badge number - you can add the driver badge/license number in this field.
Send badge in Driver assigned emails: Yes/No - if you select Yes then the Badge number will be included in the emails to booking customers.
Driver Phone number - you can add the driver's phone number in this field.
Send Phone in Driver assigned emails: Yes/No - if you select Yes then the Phone number will be included in the emails to booking customers.
Full address of Driver - a text area where you can keep the driver's address. This field is only for your records and will not be sent in emails or accessed by other users besides admins and dispatchers.
Date employment started - information only for your records.
Date employment terminated - information only for your records.
Rent amount - information for your records.
Rent payable date - information for your records.
Photo - you can upload a photo of the driver (a square photograph that will be scaled to 300px X 300px automatically on upload). The photo, if uploaded, will be sent in the emails to booking customers.
Don't forget to click on Save after you are done editing.
Drivers can also be assigned to Cars through Car management. All unassigned Drivers will be visible in the Driver assignment drop down in Car edit screen. Once assigned a driver will disappear from the list as each driver can only be assigned to one car.
Drivers can Accept or Decline jobs through email. There is also a Driver app - Driver app documentation.
Go to your backend > Dashboard > Drivers.
You will see 2 separate sections here:
1. Settings:
Turn On automatic Driver notification: Yes/No - when you set Yes here Drivers will automatically receive Order notifications to Accept or Decline jobs through their email.
Send email to next driver in (mins): - Enter wait time in minutes. If the Driver does not Accept or Decline a Job in the time frame you set here then the next driver in line will automatically receive a notification email. After that time has passed the first driver will see an Error message if clicks on the Accept or Decline buttons in their job notification email.
Note: Don't forget to Save the screen if you have made any changes.
2. Drivers - this section will only display a list of all your drivers. Clicking on a driver will take you to Users > Edit user screen where you can edit some of Driver's details.
In the User management screen, you have to set User is Driver: Yes/No - If you select Yes additional Driver fields will appear:
- Driver badge number
- Send badge in Driver assign email: Yes/No
- Driver phone number
- Send Phone in driver assign email: Yes/No
- Full address of the driver
- Date employment started
- Date employment terminated
- Insurance End date
- Rent amount
- Rent payable date
- Photo upload.
Tip: if you add a Phone number, Badge number and Driver Photo these will be sent in the Order details email to the customer when a Driver is assigned to an Order.