- Authorize.net - USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia
- Cash/Offline/Pay to Driver
- CCAvenue - International
- Corporate account - internal system payment
- Mollie (iDeal) - Netherlands
- moneta.ru - Russia
- Paguelofacil - Panama
- PayPal - International
- PayPal "Pay now" button - International (Pay now button integrated into an Order confirmation so the customer can pay any time)
- PayFast - South Africa (Includes EFT)
- Platron - Russia (International credit/debit cards accepted)
- Rosoom - UAE
- Skrill - former Moneybookers - International
- Stripe - International
- Square - USA
- Alipay (Cross border Website Payment) - International
- CECA - Spain
- Redsys, Servired and Sempara - Spain
- Stripe Alipay - Asia
- SystemPay - France
- CardSave - by WorldPay (UK)
- EasyPay - Portugal
- SOFORT - Deutschland (Germany), Österreich (Austria), Schweiz/Suisse (Switzerland), Nederland (Netherlands), UK (United Kingdom), Belgique/België (Belgium), Česká republika (Czech republic), France, Italia (Italy), Polska (Poland), España (Spain), Magyarország (Hungary), Slovensko (Slovenia), International
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