In DriveNot's Dashboard, you can view all current users on your system and also add and manage users with different user types and roles.
To see the User manager go to your Company's back-office > Dashboard > Users.
Let's review Adding new user functionality with all user types and what they can do on the system.
Click on "New" in the top left corner.
Name, Email and Phone number are mandatory shared fields regardless of the User type. If you only fill these in and Save the user that will automatically make them a registered Customer on your system. An account will be automatically created and the user will receive an email containing their login username and password. From this point on the user will be able to log in via the My Orders tab and view their Orders.
Note: It is not mandatory to create users - customers on your system, this will be done automatically once a customer submits their first order through The Booking Form.
User is Additional Admin: Yes/No - this allows you to create additional users on your system that will act as Admins. They can log in to your back office Company section and view and edit Settings and Orders. You can use this functionality for Dispatchers or partners. You as the main user will be liable for payments on your subscription and will always have full access to the Company management section. Your additional admins can receive Order emails or not. You are also able to allow or deny access to the different sections of the back office.
User is Partner: Yes/No - Partner users will have access to the back office and can create New Orders on your behalf. They can use Stripe (if enabled as your payment method) to charge the customer through the New Order screen as well.
Tip: Very useful for Partner hotels, pubs, offices, concierge services etc. who create orders on your behalf.
Note: At the moment, there is no commission payout integrated so you will have to settle Partner commissions outside of the system.
Contact us if you are interested in creating a payout system that is integrated into the current system.
User is Client: Yes/No - Clients are special users who will be added to pay with the Invoice later payment option. Fields to fill in: Client Organization name, Client Organization address, Company Registration number, VAT number - these details will be printed on the monthly Invoices generated by the system. Discount Invoice payment only: Yes/No - if Yes is selected then only when the client pays with "Invoice later" payment method the order will be discounted. Discount type: Percentage/Flat rate. Discount amount - here, you can set a special discount % or flat rate for this user-client, the discount will be automatically applied when this user is logged in at the front-end booking form. Show discount to Client: Yes/No - the discount will be printed or hidden for this user-client. Additional Users: Add users to the Client account who are authorized to make bookings via the "Invoice later" payment method on the Client's behalf.
User is Driver: Yes/No - If you select Yes, additional Driver fields will appear: Driver badge number, Send badge in Driver assignment email (to the customer): Yes/No, Driver phone number, Send Phone in driver assignment email: Yes/No, Full address of the driver, Date employment started, Date employment terminated, Insurance End date, Rent amount, Rent payable date, Photo upload.
Tip: if you add Phone number, Badge number and Driver Photo these will be sent in the Order details email to the customer when assigning a Driver to an Order.
More about Drivers here: Driver management
Don't forget to Save after you have edited any of the options in the User form.