#497 – Paypal Integration

Posted in ‘Tips and Tricks’
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sexta-feira, 30 dezembro 2016 03:31 UTC
 I've set up the correct email as well as API Username, Password and signature. However when people are booking the price of the tickets are not carrying over to PayPal checkout. Please advise!

Also, what is the difference between sandbox and production?
sexta-feira, 30 dezembro 2016 10:35 UTC
Hi Dan,
for PayPal to work you only need to add your email address (API related information is only for PayPal in the mobile app but there is a long process to activate that, including some technical information that you need to submit in API application process and you can do that at a later point).

The difference between Sandbox and Production is that Sandbox is only for TEST transactions and Production is for LIVE payments.
So after you enter your PayPal email just set Payments to Production and you will be ready to take payments through the booking form.

Hope this helps.
Let us know if you have any other questions.

Kind regards.
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sexta-feira, 30 dezembro 2016 15:02 UTC
Thank you for the information on the API information as well as sandbox vs production. I've entered the right email for our company's PayPal account however I didn't see a place to change from sandbox to production. There was a "sandbox (test)" option and I switched that to no (the only other option was yes) but it seems to have made little difference. Any advice?
quarta-feira, 04 janeiro 2017 07:33 UTC
Hi Darin,
Happy New Year.

Simply switching Sandbox: OFF will go to Production payments and real money will be moved from your customer's account to yours.

Hope this helps and I hope everything is working well on your side.
If you still have any problems or confusions please don't hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards.
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