#1169 – Google analytics

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domingo, 29 abril 2018 14:50 UTC
How can i count conversion in google analytics? Can i make automatic redirect after the customer made a book? On my "thx" page... Or maybe i can change the link at the end of a booking process, i will change "back to the booking form" on my own link, and call it (e.g.) "Just follow this link, to finish off your booking" Or maybe u have another tools for this purpose? Thx for your attention.
segunda-feira, 30 abril 2018 08:14 UTC
Hi Alexandr,
at the moment it is not possible to include your Analytics code in the Thank you page although we are looking into this.
In general, we are also using Google Analytics to track performance and since the orders are coming to your back office and we generate reports for you tracking of the Thank you page will not give you any better insights than the Reports that we generate for you at the back office.

Would you share with us why is it important for you to track the Thank you page in your Google Analytics?

Kind regards.
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segunda-feira, 30 abril 2018 08:27 UTC
Hi! Thx for answer! Why is it important for me? I don't know if to be honest i am a newbie in webmaster area and i know just one way to count my conversion! I ^^ And i don't know about this reports! Where i can get it?
segunda-feira, 30 abril 2018 08:32 UTC
Hi Alexandr,
we are here to help :)

You can see your performance reports at the back office > Dashboard > Reports.
There you can have a break down of your orders by Months/Years/Drivers including income generated each month and time spent on the road as well as distance travelled.
These reports are something that Google Analytics will not be able to tell you.
Although Google Analytics is a great tool, it can be a bit confusing as there are many different areas that you have to analyze and act upon.
What concerns the booking form we are already taking care of tracking those analytics for you so you don't have to worry.
I'd propose that you concentrate on optimizing your business rather than the booking form which we are taking care of.

Please share your comments.
Kind regards.
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segunda-feira, 30 abril 2018 08:52 UTC
Unfortunatly it is not that i need... i can make this report by myself in excel. I must understant from which addversing campany my customers come to me and from which not.... i must track all of them! I am looking information which link is good and which not. U can make it easily! Just make opportunity to make in settings automatic redirect to my thx page after cusotmer make a book! So i will see from where he come to me and if he made a book i will undetand the value of each my advertising link. Nowaday i have a lot addversing campany... but i can't understand in which of them i loose my money! Because i can not understand who of my customers make a deal on my site.=(

Nowaday i loose track my customers on my booking form. I can't undertant who and what make in this moment. I have not information so i can't analyze their behavior =(
quinta-feira, 03 maio 2018 07:07 UTC
Hi again Alexandr,
I was thinking how you can achieve what you need. Google Analytics tracks the traffic referred to the booking form but you will need to have your own analytics code on the booking form as well as an event or a Goal set to track the Thank you page for real conversions.
It makes sense to have these built into your booking form but I am not sure if Google Analytics can track 2 different instances of Analytics on the same page.
I was talking to our executives and they suggested that we could build an Analytics Dashboard for your booking form and give you access to it - this needs further research.
Or remove our Analytics code from your pages and allow you to use your own - would that be something that you would be interested in?
This will require some custom development and we may have to charge you a small development fee for that, would that be ok?

Please let me know your thoughts. Let's research this matter further and see what is the best solution to help your business.

Kind regards.
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