#1684 – Integration with the website

Posted in ‘The Booking Form integration’
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domingo, 15 dezembro 2019 17:17 UTC
 In recent months, I have a problem with my website and its appearance in search engines. My hosting provider did a test and I was told there was some problem integrating the reservation module with the website which gave a malware message. This is a link from the test:

https://chauffeurservices.eu/booking Known javascript malware: malware.short_url? 3.4

<iframe src = "https://goo.gl/nJ5DHo" width = "100%" height = "1000" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "auto" allow = "geolocation *;"> </iframe>
I ask for your assistance to fix it!
segunda-feira, 16 dezembro 2019 06:35 UTC
Hi Nikolay,
there is definitely no malware or any other potential risk in regards to the booking form.
I'm guessing that the short goo.gl URL in the booking form is triggering this report which is quite strange because goo.gl is Google's URL shortener. Maybe this happens in recent months as Google has discontinued their goo.gl shortening service.

This is what https://labs.sucuri.net/signatures/sitecheck/malware.short_url/?3.4 reports:

"Sucuri SiteCheck reports when it detects sripts or iframes that load code from Bit.ly, Goo.gl, Is.gd, Tr.im, Ow.ly and other types of shortened URLs. For example:

<iframe src="hxxps://tr[.]im/5UJJa" width="0" height="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>"

It's an easy fix, don't use the short URL in the integration (https://goo.gl/nJ5DHo) but rather the long one which will alter your code to look like this:
<iframe src = "https://booking.drivenot.com/en-us/company/nikolay-spasov?tmpl=component" width = "100%" height = "1000" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "auto" allow = "geolocation *;"> </iframe>

Hope this helps.
Kind regards.
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