#1140 – Add code in different languages for each website

Posted in ‘The Booking Form integration’
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terça-feira, 03 abril 2018 16:45 UTC
 I need to Add a code in different languages for each website. Right now I have Portuguese by default, but since I have my website in 2 languages, my English clients will be served with a Portuguese language and they simply don't see/use the button to change the language on the Booking form, they simply go away... Conversion rates are really very low... Can you help?
quarta-feira, 04 abril 2018 07:26 UTC
Hi Algarve,
yes, you can have different URLs for different languages. You just have to make a small adjustment in your iFrame integration code and use the long URL for your booking form instead of the shortened goo.gl URL.
For your company, the booking form is at https://booking.drivenot.com/pt/company/inboundware?tmpl=component

Just change the /pt/ (Portuguese) to the other language you want to load the form by default eg. for English /en/.
You will have to use separate iFrame codes on separate pages to load different languages.

In general, The Booking Form is trying to find out the user's preferred Browser language and load the form in that language so it is very user-friendly.
However, if you notice that the language is a problem for your customers use the explanation above and have separate landing pages for the different language groups you target.

Hope this helps.
Kind regards.
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