In this section, you will get the integration code that you have to place on your website so the booking form is displayed and you start receiving online bookings.
You can always revisit and change some of the settings at the back office > Dashboard > Get the code.

At the top of the page, you will see 2 possible selections: Show button and Show iFrame

Show button (recommended method):
Edit the footer button (optional) - this button will take you to Settings > Design settings, opened in a new window, where you will be able to design the footer of the booking form. The footer will be an area under the automatic booking form with some text where you can publish some links, helpful text and/or images.
In the following section:
Button Text: Book now - this is the default text of the button but you can change it to anything you like. 
Font size: 13 - the size of the button's text.
Background color: - this is the background color of the button.
Font color: - the color of the button's text.
Button width - the width of the button in pixels.
Button height - the height of the button in pixels.
Border color - select box to have a border or not + a field to select the border color.
Border radius - select box to have rounded color of the button or not + a box to set the corner radius.

On the right-hand side, you will see an instant visualization of your button.
Under the visualisation, you will see the code being generated. When you are finished with the design just copy that code and paste it anywhere you would like it displayed on your website.

At the top of the booking form automatically will be displayed your logo and your contact information.

You can also send this code to your web designer via the "Email the code to your webmaster" button.
You can click on the "Documentation" button which will lead you to this article.
"Preview the booking form" button will take you to your new booking form.
Share your booking form on these social networks - you will see a list of social networks where you can share your booking form. You are encouraged to do that even after the setup process as your social networks may be a good source of customers.
"Invite via email" button will open an invitation email popup. You can use this to invite colleagues, friends and family to test your booking form and give you some feedback. 

Show iFrame (not recommended method):
iFrame Code (SSL) section - just copy the code below and paste it on your website where you want the booking form visualized. 
Although this method is very easy and shows the booking form on your website quite good, please note that modern browsers dislike iFrame integrations and will refuse to set cookies and redirect customers to external destinations like payment gateways. These recent changes in browsers are made to address some security and privacy issues. The best way forward is to display a Book now button anywhere you like on your website and allow the user to have the full experience of the booking form including an automatic "Install mobile app" button shown.