#1005 – Cancellation button in email with booking confirmation?

Posted in ‘The Booking Form integration’
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lundi 22 janvier 2018 22:44 UTC

I have let 20 users test my future booking via you and almost all of them thinks that the cancellation process is little bit complex.

They ask if cancellation button (or window where you put your booking number) could be directly added in the booking confirmation?

right now it is in the end of the first slide in the booking but it would be nice to have it also in the email.

Another thing that some of them complained about was that one needs to login and then cancel their booking. Is this a bug or is it how it should be?

Thx in advance

Best Regards
mardi 23 janvier 2018 08:54 UTC
Hi Muhamed,
The cancellation is designed to be more secure for you as a company providing the service. If it is just a button (a link that will cancel the booking) then someone can find out what the link is and Cancel reservations on behalf of your customers.
Cancelling through the unique reference number at the first page of the booking form is the easiest and the most secure way for customers.
Logging in and cancelling an order is also quite convenient and very secure.
Also having those simple steps is a good prevention for accidental Cancellations that a simple link would provide.

Hope this helps.
Kind regards.
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mercredi 24 janvier 2018 22:51 UTC

I would really like to have it more simple for cancellation.

1: I would like to have a direct link to the booking system where the cancellation can be done.
2: I don't want to login for cancel a booking. I just want to add the number and cancel the booking directly in the first page of booking.

Remove the "Cancel Booking" area totally in the first step of the booking so instead they will need to email us for cancellation. But I would really like to prefer one of the above alternatives.
jeudi 25 janvier 2018 09:48 UTC
Hi Muhamed,
please see replies to your queries below:

1: I would like to have a direct link to the booking system where the cancellation can be done. - it might be possible to add a link for direct cancellation within the Order email although we don't recommend it. We can add a Cancellation link tag to Order email settings that you can insert in the header or footer of the Order email. However, this will require some custom development and we will have to charge an extra fee of £50 for it.
2: I don't want to login for cancel a booking. I just want to add the number and cancel the booking directly in the first page of booking. - there is already a form for cancellation on the first page of the booking form where the customer can copy/paste their unique reference number and the order will be cancelled.

You can remove Cancel booking option through the back office > Dashboard > Settings > General settings > Allow Booking cancellation: No and you can state your Cancellation policy in Order email header or footer.

Hope this helps.
Kind regards.
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jeudi 25 janvier 2018 21:18 UTC

The number 2 above requires a login for us in order to receive a cancellation receipt. Could you check that for me if it is like that? O don't want to be needing to login just for cancellation. It gives a message directly but no receipt is sent to the email that the booking is cancelled unless you are logged in.
vendredi 26 janvier 2018 08:47 UTC
The customers don't have to be logged in to Cancel a booking. They just have to copy their Cancellation number that is at the bottom of the Order email and paste it at the first step of the booking form where the cancellation filed is.
Admins, customer and driver (if assigned) should receive a notification that the order has been cancelled - we will check if this is working properly.

Kind regards.
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vendredi 26 janvier 2018 12:40 UTC
If a customer cancels his order, he will receive order email if he is not logged in. This is working as expected, please check and let us know if you still find any problem.

Thanks a lot
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