To customize your booking form please log in to the back office and go to Dashboard > Settings > Design settings
The design offers a clean light appearance to the booking form. However, you can add specific customizations to make it blend with your website.
Highlights: - set a color for the background of all buttons and headers of the booking form.
Highlights Opacity: - set up how transparent the highlights should be.
BG Color on Shared Rides Calendar: - background color of the calendar used for Shared rides bookings display (Only used if you have set up Shared rides).
Font Color on Shared Rides Calendar: - the color of text for Shared rides schedule.
Links Color on Shared Rides Calendar: - the color of links for Shared rides schedule.
Cars default display: - this is a setting for the Cars search results table. 3 options are possible - Grid (Car cards will be displayed in 2 rows), List (a list of cars will be displayed with one car on each row), Icons (smaller version of Grid view with smaller car images and compact view - 8 cars on 2 rows).
Show Booking summary Step 2: Yes/No - show the booking summary at the top of the second step of the booking process. Some people like hiding it to save some space.
Show Grid/List block Step 2: Yes/No - Show/Hide view selection area, if hidden the customer will only be able to see Car search results the way you have set up in "Cars default display:"
Show Time selection: Yes/No - if No is selected then only date selection will be shown in the calendar popup. Car availability will not be considered, neither will "Booking after: XX hours".
Show trip duration and distance: Yes/No - if No selected then trip duration time and distance will be hidden from the booking form.
Exit link - this is usually used to create a link to your Website's Home page.
White space between elements: - what would be the space between elements (input fields and dropdowns) at the front end booking form in pixels.
Checkout position: - at the end of the booking form there is a Shopping card-like button that would open a Booking summary and a button to finish the booking. You can show this on the bottom left or right of your booking form.
Details on checkout: Yes/No- if set to Yes then the calculation details will be shown above the checkout button.
Show map in popup: Yes/No - if Yes is selected then the map with the drawn route will be shown in a popup only if the customer clicks the "Show map" button. This will considerably reduce the API calls to your Google Maps API and it is very useful for companies that are close to their free Google Maps API usage limit.
Show map on desctop devices: Yes/No - this allows you to show/hide the map on desctop screens.
Show map on mobile devices: Yes/No - the map is shown under the booking form first step - selection of route and number of passengers, it might be useful to hide the map on smaller screens.
Map Height: - the height of the map in the first step in pixels.
Map Zoom Level: - Zoom level of the map. A higher number means more Zoomed in.
Show upcoming events: Yes/No - this is a free service provided by Eventbrite. It will show events close to the Drop-off destination and this feature may be useful for companies operating in holiday destinations or in areas where many events are being held. If there are no events nearby then nothing will be shown to the customer. You can turn this feature on or off with the Yes/No options.
Install App button background - here you can set the background color of the Install app button that appears on devices that allow Progressive Web Apps to be installed - all Android and Windows devices with Chrome (other chromium-based browsers), Edge and Mozilla browsers allow the installation of mobile PWAs.
Install App button text color - with this option you can set the color of the Install app button.
Install App button border color - set the button's border color.
Install App border radius - set the button's border radius in px.
Google analytics - add the unique identifier of your Google Analytics property to track visits to the booking form.
Facebook pixel - add your Facebook pixel to track advertisement results in your Facebook ads campaigns.
Show Our fleet page: Yes/No - with this option you can show/hide Our fleet page as a separate menu item in the booking form header. Our fleet page will show information about all cars in your fleet.