Your customers can type the Coupon code at the last step of the booking process before payment is taken and the new total will be automatically recalculated for them.
Coupon codes used will be displayed in the confirmation emails and PDF receipts.
Here are the settings of Coupon codes explained with ideas for various use:
Go to back office > Dashboard > Coupon codes. Here you can create a New coupon or Edit existing ones. If you click on a Coupon code's Title you will get into the Edit screen.
There are 2 sections for Coupons that you can set up: Basic settings and Fine Tuning.
Basic settings:
(Under construction: In App sharing: Yes/No - this radio option is to assign the coupon to DriveNot mobile app use. If set to Yes a Share button will show in the DriveNot app. If anyone clicks to Share a link to your company on the app will receive an email with this coupon inside it. The coupon will also be added to the shared link for recipients to enjoy when booking your services through the DriveNot app. This feature is especially powerful because it draws new customers with an incentive to use your services at a discounted rate. All other coupon restrictions will be applied to this coupon as set below.
Tip: Only one coupon code can be assigned to In App sharing so make most of it like offering 50% discount on the first ride.)
Title: - a friendly name for internal use so you can identify the coupon quickly in the list at the back end.
Coupon code: - the actual coupon code that will be used from your customers.
Tip: To avoid any confusion please use all capital letters mixed with numbers. Actually the easier you make the coupon to memorize the better.
Discount type: Fixed or Percentage - here you decide to offer fixed value or percentage of the total.
Discount value: - this is the value of the discount.
Tip: If set to 10 and above option Discount type is set to Percentage then the discount will be 10% of the Total if Discount type is set to
Fixed it will be £10 (depending on your currency).
Published: Yes/No - "No" will disallow use of this coupon.
Hits: - Statistics on how many times the coupon code has been used. Leave empty as this value is generated automatically by the system on each Coupon use.
Language: - leave All if you want this coupon to be available for all languages in a multilingual website. Select a Language from the drop-down if you want this coupon to be used only for
a specific language that the website is loaded in.
Fine tuning:
Tip: All settings in this section are optional, the system will consider the combination of all settings to allow or disallow coupon usage by the user.
Valid From: - Select a date to start the coupon availability from.
Valid To: - Select a date on which you want the coupon to expire.
User: - Click on the user icon to select a specific user who is already registered on your website. This coupon will only be available to him/her if he/she is logged in to your website and the system identifies them as your selected user.
Email: - If you set up a specific email here the coupon code will only be available if this email address is used in the Booking form regardless if the user is registered or not.
Tip: Use this as an incentive to invite and register new users.
Booking types: - All available booking types will be displayed here (Address search, Special offers, Hourly hire, Shuttles) so you can select one or multiple. Blank means All.
Fixed fare routes: - All of your Fixed fare routes will be listed here so you can select one or more for which the coupon will be available.
Hits limit: - You can limit the number of Coupon uses here. Set to 0 or leave blank for Unlimited use.
Maximum hits per user: - Here you can set up the maximum number of times the user can use this coupon code.
Tip: Will only work if specific user or email has been assigned above. The user must be logged in to the booking form so that the system checks how many times this user has used the coupon code already.
The best customers are those who have an incentive to come back and use your services again and again, use coupon codes to fuel their loyalty and booking frequency.