Custom fields will help you both collect additional information and up-sell products and services.
Custom fields can be 5 different types: Input boxes, Text areas, Extras, Option list and Address search (Note: Address search is available only for Shared rides, Daily and Hourly hire booking types).
You have to select which type of Custom field you create after you click on the "New" button.
Input boxes are designed to collect additional information from your passengers like Terminal and Flight numbers or Address of general areas when used in Special routes. Here you can configure Title, show on Pick up or Drop off or both, Point of interest category the input box will be showed on and whether the input box is Mandatory or not.
Text area is similar to Input boxes but instead of one line, the input box will allow multiple lines and more text added by the customer. This Custom field type is best suited for Messages or Additional information you may require.
Extras Custom field type is to up-sell products or services that will add value to the total of the booking (or you can set the Price to 0 for free Extras). Quantity field must be used to show Extras selection more than 1 eg. if you add 7 here the options from 1 to 7 will show in a drop-down at the booking form. The extra price will be multiplied by the number of extras a customer selects.
Option list is a special field that you can create as a drop-down of choices for your customers to pick from. If you select this field type you will see "Field Options" appear above the Description. Here, you have to create your Options by clicking on "Add new" button which will show a new box for the option name and price (if the option is not for free). You can delete options using the "Remove" button next to each created option.
Address search custom field is used to capture a separate Address for a Shared ride where it is different from the original pick up address for the second/third etc. rider. This custom field type can also be used for Daily and Hourly hire to capture Pick up address if the customer is not physically coming to your Base of operation.
Note: Each custom field can be assigned to multiple Points of Interest Categories, multiple single Points of Interest and multiple Zones - select them one after the other and they will be added to the assignment list.
Translate your Custom fields by assigning them to different languages via the Language dropdown. You will have to create as many Custom fields as languages you use on your booking form.
Settings to display Custom fields in the booking form:
Title: - Name your custom field so you can easily recognise it in the list of Custom fields at the back end.
Published: Yes/No - while you are working on your Custom field or in case you don't require using it you can set this to "No"
Display on: First bookings step/Last booking step left/Last booking step right - pick where you want the custom field displayed.
Show on Pick up: Yes/No - assign the custom field to Pick up points.
Show on Drop off: Yes/No - assign the custom field to Drop off points.
Show on Address: Yes/No - this option will assign the Custom field to Address selection (when your customer is typing an address and uses it from the auto-suggest dropdown).
Show on Hourly hire: Yes/No - this option will assign the Custom field to the Hourly hire tab and will show each time your customers use Hourly hire. This is useful to add Address input boxes to Hourly hire if you are collecting your customers form their address instead of them visiting a specific location.
Show on Shuttles: Yes/No - Yes will assign the custom fields to Shuttles at the Shuttles tab (selection) in The Booking Form.
Show on Return: Yes/No - this option allows you to assign a Custom Field to Return Pick up and Drop off locations. Note: Return trips are with reversed Pickups and Drop-offs so Custom field assignments will automatically reverse as well.
Show on Shared rides: Yes/No - with this option you decide if the Custom field is shown for Shared Rides. All other options except for User details will not show on Shared rides unless Yes is selected here.
Mandatory: Yes/No - with this option you can decide if the customer can skip this Custom field or has to fill it in/select an option.
Description: The text you type in here will show as a Tooltip over the Custom field Title at The Booking Form and will show when the customer hovers (mouse over) the label at the booking form.
You can mix the above options according to your requirements to show Custom fields at The Booking Form.