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At the moment if you are using the software at and your transfers business is affected by the pandemic of COVID-19 (coronavirus) it might be a good idea to convert one or more of your vehicles to a delivery service.
There are many people who stay under guarantee at home (which we all should - as much as possible). But all those people need food, toiletries and medical supplies. So why don't deliver those necessities to them? - of course, following the utmost care to keep everything and everyone protected from the coronavirus and possible infection by observing "fanatic" hygiene and wearing the best protective gear that can be found.

There isn't a delivery service type integrated into the software at the moment but it is quite easy to convert on of the existing services to Delivery.
Let's take the Address to Address (search) booking service for example.
The price is calculated by mile/kilometre with this service so this makes it the perfect candidate for the Delivery conversion.
Just change the name of the service that is displayed at the front end by going to your back office > Dashboard > Translations > English (or any other language you have installed) and search for "Address search" then change it to something like "Delivery".
Then go to the back office > Dashboard > Settings > General settings and set:
Default Adult seats: 1
Show Adult seats: No
Show Suitcase dropdown: No
These settings will hide the Seats and Suitcase selections at the front end while allowing the booking process to be completed.
If you would like to collect some additional information like a specific message eg. weight or message for a list of groceries, medical supplies etc. then go to the back office > Dashboard > Custom fields and click on New.
Select custom field type as Input box for simple requirements like Weight.
Add a title (eg. Weight in kg), Display on: First booking step, Show on Pick up: Yes, Show on Address: Yes, decide on Mandatory?: Yes/No and Save & Close.
Then add another custom field if you like. Select the field type as Text area and name it eg. List of groceries, medicines, other supplies. Again set Display on: First booking step, Show on Pick up: Yes, Show on Address: Yes, decide on Mandatory?: Yes/No and Save & Close.
Make sure that you also go to the back office > Dashboard > Settings > Base settings. Set Base latitude and longitude and then Base to Pick up calculation: Yes and Drop off to Base calculation: Yes to make sure that you are compensated for the "dead mileage" from your base to the shop and from the drop off address back to your base. 

You can also use a different booking type for Delivery eg. Hourly hire can be made delivery where you charge for the service by the hour. 

If you prefer to have a cleaner, separate Delivery service type then please contribute your thoughts or help financially at the crowdfunding page here.