Distance sectors are a flexible way to set up different charges per kilometre/mile for different trip distances. You benefit from either lowering or raising the price for longer distances by building a system that detects and compares actual trip distance with your distance sector price setup.

To set up Distance sectors go to back office > Dashboard > Cars > click on New or Edit car and scroll down to  

In the section, Distance sectors select a Cumulative or Non-cumulative type of sectors and click on the "Add new" button.

You can create Distance sectors and assign a separate price per unit distance eg. Distance From: 0 - Distance To: 5 - Price: 1 means the Price per unit distance between 0 and 5 miles/kilometres is $1 Note: To configure complex per mile/kilometre taxi fares, use "Add new" button to add new Distance Sector and "Remove" button to remove a Distance Sector. Changes will be active when you Save the General Price settings panel.

Distance Sectors fare calculator can be of two different types: Cumulative or Non-cumulative. Simply put Cumulative price will add up prices for distance sectors and the Non-cumulative price will use the price of the single distance sector the journey length falls into.

Example: create sequence of prices for trips with different length eg. 0-2 x 4 means: between 0 and 2 miles long trips price per mile is £4, 2-10 x 5 means: from 2nd to 10th mile price per mile is £5
The structure has to be as follows without overlapping of mileage (if you skip a distance the Default price will be applied if journey falls in that gap):
0-5 miles x £3
5-10 miles x £2
10-20 miles x £1.5
(do not use currency symbol as it is taken from your General Settings)
Cumulative price calculation example: If the trip is 100 miles and you have set up "Price per unit distance: 1" and distance sectors 0 to 5 miles x $2, 5 to 10 miles x $1.50 then the total will be calculated: (5 x 2) + (5 x 1.5) + (90 x 1) = Total, where (5 x 2) is 0 to 5 or 5 miles x $2, (5 x 1.5) is 5 to 10 miles or 5 miles x $1.5 and (90 x 1) is total distance 100 miles - 5+5 miles sectors = 90 miles x $1 for the rest of the journey based on your Price per distance settings.
Non-cumulative price calculation example: If the trip is 100 miles and you have set up "Price per unit distance: 1" and distance sectors 0 to 20 miles x $2, 20 to 110 miles x $1.5 then the total will be calculated: 100 x 1.5 = Total as the journey of 100 miles falls in the distance sector of 20 to 110 miles where the price is $1.5 per mile.
Note: If you use Tariffs the tariffs will be automatically pulled here with separate price for each Tariff. You can adjust those prices and Save.