Points of Interest are used in such ways that you can run traditional taxi business where price is calculated by distance, you can set up Fixed Price journeys where the fare is fixed between 2 destinations, you can set Points of Interests as stops for your shuttle/bus/coach business and ultimately help your customers chose Points of Interest easily at the front end booking form.
As an example an Airport transfer company would use Points of interest as an Airport (eg. Heathrow airport) and Point of Interest as an area (eg. Central London) to create Fixed fare route between these 2 POIs and then use some Custom fields to capture additional information like Terminal, Flight number, exact Drop off address etc.
To keep things organized and to use some grouping features first go to Dashboard > POI Categories and create your Point of Interest categories.
When creating a Category you can upload an image that will be used as icon in the POI drop down at the front end (eg. a small air plane may indicate that this is an airport and your users will easily find what they are looking for).
To create Points of Interest go to the Dashboard and click on the Points of Interest icon.
Click on New and you will see the POI Edit screen.
First comes Title which will be the actual name of the POI shown at the front end in the POI drop down.
We have made things easier for you by using Google Address auto complete feature in the Title field so you will see Points of Interest proposed by Google as you are typing. Pick a suggestion that is closest to the Title you are typing and coordinates for that Point of Interest will be automatically added to the form.
Tip: Sometimes Google suggestions can be quite long. After you select something from the list and coordinates are automatically taken you can edit the name in the Title field to something shorter and easier to read by your customers. Don't make a new selection from the drop down as it will override old coordinates.
Latitude and Longitude are automatically taken as explained above but you can also add custom coordinates if the POI is not found by Google or if you have more specific coordinates you want to use.
POI Category: - here select the POI category that this Point of Interest belongs to.
Language: - select the language this POI is assigned to. Remember that this POI will be only visible for the same language it is assigned if selected by customers at the front end. If you would like to use the POI for all of your languages keep Language set to All.
Additional charge label: - in some cases you would like to have additional charge for certain Points of Interest, like Airport parking fees, you can set up the charge name here eg. Airport parking. This label will be shown in the price break down in the confirmation email and PDF receipts.
Additional Charge Price: - This flat fee will be added to the Total.
Show on Pick up: Yes/No - this option will assign POI to Pick up drop downs. If set to No this POI will not be available as Pick up location.
Show on Drop off: Yes/No - this option will assign POI to Drop off drop downs. If set to No this POI will not be available as Drop off location.
Show on Fixed fares Pick up: Yes/No - Select Yes if you wish this POI to be shown in Fixed fare routes drop down.
Show on Fixed fares Drop off: Yes/No - Select Yes if you wish this POI to be shown in Fixed fare routes drop down.
Show on Shuttles: Yes/No - Select Yes if you wish this POI to be used for Shuttles.
Description that you add for Points of Interest will be shown right under the Drop down selection at the front end based on POI that your customer select. If you don't want any text to show on the form, leave the description empty.