For Test Payments:
1. Create a demo merchant account. Perform one of the following steps:
• If your company is based in Russia, use the following link:
• If your company is based in other countries, use the following link:
2. After the support team completes your registration, add an advanced account for your merchant account.
Perform the following substeps:
a) Open and log in to your merchant account.
b) Go to My account > Account management.
c) Under Advanced accounts, click Add account.
d) Complete the form and click Save.
For LIVE Payments: 
1. Create a merchant account. Perform one of the following steps:
• If your company is based in Russia, use the following link:
• If your company is based in other countries, use the following link:
2. After the support team completes your registration, add an advanced account for your merchant account.
Perform the following substeps:
a) Open and log in to your merchant account.
b) Go to My account > Account management.
c) Under Advanced accounts, click Add account.
d) Complete the form and click Save.
Merchant Account Settings
In account management section («Management» link in the «Accounts» block on the left part of the review page) the authorized personnel of the merchant can set the parameters of interaction between the merchant registration system and MONETA.RU system.
1) Test mode: Indicates whether your merchant account works in test mode. In test mode, Moneta.Assistant does not create transactions to transfer payments to your merchant account. Use this mode to test status requests and processed payment reports.
2) Check URL: (NOT REQUIRED) Specifies the address of the script in your online store that processes status requests from MONETA.Assistant. If you specify the Check URL field, MONETA.Assistant sends status requests to the specified address. 
Important: The web address must include the URI scheme. 
For example,
3) Pay URL: (REQUIRED) Specifies the address of the script in your online store that processed payment reports from MONETA.Assistant. 
Important: The web address must include the URI scheme. 
Please use:
4) HTTP Method: Specifies the HTTP request method that MONETA.Assistant uses to pass parameters to the pages which addresses you specify in Check URL and Pay URL fields. 
Options are:
5) Code of data integrity verification: (REQUIRED) Specifies a character string that MONETA.Assistant and your online store must use to generate a unique signature for each request and response. You must keep this code secret.
6) Mandatory payment form signature: Indicates whether MONETA.Assistant requires the MNT_SIGNATURE parameter in payment requests from the payment form. 
Options are:
• Yes. MONETA.Assistant requires the MNT_SIGNATURE parameter in payment requests. If the payment form sends a request to MONETA.Assistant without the MNT_SIGNATURE parameter or this parameter has a wrong value, MONETA.Assistant returns an error.
• No. MONETA.Assistant does not require the MNT_SIGNATURE parameter in payment requests.
Note: This option is not secure.
7) URL settings can be reset: Indicates whether you can redefine the Success URL, InProgress URL,
Return URL, and Fail URL addresses by using the MNT_SUCCESS_URL, MNT_INPROGRESS_URL, MNT_RETURN_URL, and MNT_FAIL_URL parameters in a payment request. 
Options are:
• Yes. You can redefine the Success and Fail URLs in payment requests.
• No. MONETA.Assistant always uses the values that you specify in your merchant account settings.
8) Success URL: Specifies the address of a web page to which MONETA.Assistant redirects a customer after completing the checkout successfully. The customer is redirected to this web page even if the merchant does not receive a processed payment report.
Important: The web address must include the URI scheme. For example,
9) Fail URL: Specifies the address of a web page to which MONETA.Assistant redirects a customer if the external payment system cannot process the payment. In this case, MONETA.Assistant does not send a processed payment report to the merchant.
Important: The web address must include the URI scheme. For example,
10) InProgress URL: Specifies the address of a web page to which MONETA.Assistant might redirect a customer after a successful funds authorization request, before the payment is confirmed and transferred to the merchant account. This parameter affects only some of the payment methods. MONETA.Assistant redirects a customer to this page even if the merchant does not receive the processed payment report. If you do not specify the InProgress URL, MONETA.Assistant uses the
default page to show the payment progress.
Important: The web address must include the URI scheme. For example,
11) Return URL: Specifies the address of a web page to which MONETA.Assistant might redirect customers after they decide to cancel a payment and return to the web store. In this case, MONETA.Assistant does not send a processed payment report to the merchant.
Important: The web address must include the URI scheme. For example,